The deck has a railing! Not that you can really see it with all the snow!
Can you see how deep this is? There must be a good 6+ inches!
Frost inside the windows. . . its very pretty. Enjoy this photo because soon this cabin will be all closed up & there won't be frost on the inside!
Ava standing by the front door - with the new door knob!!
Nice thing about working in the winter is the cabin is a giant freezer - no need for the guys to take their hamburger home. I did close up the package for them - you never know who else is hungry up there!
Not a whole lot went on between Dec 20th & today. The electrician was finishing up the rough-in. There may be insulation going in the walls & sheet rock being hung but I don't remember when they were going to start. We're just about finished for the season.